All three of the 'tic tac' adverts include the same female actor, meaning that an audience will recognize and identify with the advert on a personal level. In addition to this, there is a mixture of diegetic sound, such as the woman speaking, as well as non diegetic sound, such as the added sound effects. The diegetic sound helps to add an aspect of realism, in the way that no music playing in the background. Moreover, the narrative has been kept simple, providing the target audience with a clear narrative to identify with. In addition to this, the pace of each advert is quick, and a variety od mid- shots and close- ups are used which help engage the consumers into the action. The effect of these use of shots keeps the mints in the main focus and how effective they are, which makes it clear what the actual product being advertised is. Furthermore, the same jingle is used throughout to show a strong sense of continuity, reinforcing brand awarness as every advertising product contains 'its not just a mint its a tic tac'. The effect of this short and catchy jingle is that people will remember it. Similarly, audiences are shown the packaging of the mint throughout the entirety of the advert, which makes the product more memorable to a consumer.
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