Thursday, 7 May 2009

Useful Feedback

I chose to post some of the recent feedback given for each of the adverts, which was gained from a 'facebook' group we created. This style of evaluation had proved more effective than a questionaire as with our target audience being 15- 25, the majority of this age group own a facebook account, and are therefore more likely to post their thoughts and opinions on our product.

'Ok then, where do I begin. The adverts are fab..The best thing about the adverts is the product. It has bold colours so it's easy to remember what it looks like and the advertising slogan is very strong - quite similar to the 'Phones For You' slogan with the three actions, and everyone knows what that advert is.
Secondly, the continuity is very strong with the two familiar characters in each advert where you're following a story. Also very successful in the BT adverts, so a successful technique.
Also Ben's 'Geek' character is memorable, and very funny so it would stick in people's minds.The music is all catchy, up-beat and memorable. It would command attention if people were not completely concentrating on the TV.
The 'Protection' line is very funny... so that would stick in people's minds.'

'The music is a really good choice in all the vids. The story made it really clear what the advert was for and what it was all about, if that makes sense. You're adverts are so good though, they're clever ideas for the stories too.'

'they are funny and reli engage the audience. I reli want to try ur mints now lol! i thought the way u kept the product central in the shots was very effcetive as it made the audience very aware as to what was being advertised.The music fitted in perfectly as it created a steaddy pace and wasn't to fast. I rekon ur audience recognition in this one is spot on as your portraying that dreaded question from the parents 'do u use protection?' making you directly relate to the targeted audience....maybe a llittle bit of synthetic personalisation with that.'

'Advert was cool! The location was brilliant, lightning was perfectly set.'

'The advert is well good - all the shots and the way they are assorted are really good and it keeps you interested. Plus it's really clear what you're advertising. It's so funny too.'

'there's a good shot of the product so i know exactly what's going on.'

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Music for the series of three adverts

Advert One - The Rumble Strips - Girls and Boys in Love

Advert Two - The Ting Tings - Be The One

Advert Three - Scouting For Girls - Heartbeat

However, myself and Cilia have edited each of the songs in order to suit the adverts narrative. We had specifically chosen each of these songs for a reason, which was because they are upbeat, medium paced, and suited the light- hearted nature of our adverts.

Past analysis of Mint Adverts

Here are several adverts I had previously analysed which can be compared to mine and cilia's finished product. However, I was unable to embed each video from Youtube to here, which means instead I have provided the direct links to each advert.

All three of the 'tic tac' adverts include the same female actor, meaning that an audience will recognize and identify with the advert on a personal level. In addition to this, there is a mixture of diegetic sound, such as the woman speaking, as well as non diegetic sound, such as the added sound effects. The diegetic sound helps to add an aspect of realism, in the way that no music playing in the background. Moreover, the narrative has been kept simple, providing the target audience with a clear narrative to identify with. In addition to this, the pace of each advert is quick, and a variety od mid- shots and close- ups are used which help engage the consumers into the action. The effect of these use of shots keeps the mints in the main focus and how effective they are, which makes it clear what the actual product being advertised is. Furthermore, the same jingle is used throughout to show a strong sense of continuity, reinforcing brand awarness as every advertising product contains 'its not just a mint its a tic tac'. The effect of this short and catchy jingle is that people will remember it. Similarly, audiences are shown the packaging of the mint throughout the entirety of the advert, which makes the product more memorable to a consumer.

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Final Advert One

Below is the the final piece for ad one.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Final Treatment

Below is the final/second treatment of mine and Cilia's coursework. We made changes to the way we worded things and completely changed two paragraphs to match our new storyboards.

Treatment 2

Exploring our coursework

The idea Cilia and I have created is an advertisement for mints, aimed at our chosen target audience of people aged between 15 to 25. The mint is targeted at both genders which is portrayed in our advert through the use of a couple and by having both girl and boy taking the mint in at least on of the adverts. We have targeted this audience by having themes that they can relate to, and linking the mint to people who are young and outgoing. We knew beforehand that mints were always being advertised on TV, yet none of them focused on the time in which it took a mint to work, therefore we created our own unique selling point, which was that our product works the fastest when you need it most.

Our first advert will be set in a living room in which the couple are first introduced. We want to have a couple throughout all three adverts so that when people see the couple in our advertisement campaign they will immediately associate them with our mints. We have tried to make the advert funny through the dialogue and actions of the characters. The advert begins with a long shot of the couple on the sofa, and the boy smells something nice and says: ‘Something smells nice around here.’ The girl, and the audience, will believe that he is talking to the girl therefore we have used a close up of the girl flicking her hair and feeling flirtatious. Next, we decided to include humour by making out as if the boy is going to hug the girl but instead picks up the cat and says ‘wow, you smell so good.’ For this advert, we have decided not to make out that the girl has bad breath, this will come to the audience’s imagination once she has taking the mint. After this, the girl will be in a bad mood due to the lack of attention that she received, however the mood changes immediately with the catchphrase ‘Shake, Click, Fresh, Ahh’, being narrated over the shots of her movements as she takes out the mints, shakes the packet, clicks the lid open, tastes the freshness, and then is satisfied with the end result of the product.

The second advert is aimed at the younger boundary of our target audience; it revolves around a young couple in which there is an awkward moment between the pair when the girl rejects his kiss, once she smells his bad breath. We considered using time reversal to show a before and after sequence however this could potentially be too complicated to present, and it would be very repetitious to repeat the sequence. Therefore we have decided to show this in a different way by showing how the boy is rejected when he hasn’t used the mints, and then after taking the mint he can get close to her again. We wanted to include this because it is something that our target audience can relate to and it will also continue to add humour. We are going to use a variety of shots to introduce the characters and make the audience feel involved in the action so that they feel the mint will affect their lives too. All of the shots will be either mid- close shots, to extreme- close ups, which will create the effect of a real advert. We have chosen to include more close- ups when presenting the mint, as well as in the other two adverts, so that the audience are focused on the product.

The third advert revolves around the couple meeting the parents. We have chosen to use this idea because almost everybody will face this type of experience in their lives at one point, therefore using this but adding a humorous twist will appeal more to our target audience. There will be more dialogue in this advert than the previous two, but because of this we have decided to make the dialogue funnier. At the start of the advert the couple arrive at the parents house and the boy is feeling really nervous and says things such as: ‘I hope your parents like me’ which will avoid the audience from being confused by making them understand what is happening at a very early stage of the advert. Awkward moments is key in this advert because it helps add to the humour, therefore we included awkward moments when everybody bumps into each other as they go to hug and when the mother says: ‘Do you guys use protection these days’ which causes an awkward moment for the couple as they don’t yet know that she is referring to the mints. We again have our ‘jingle’ in this advert of ‘shake, click, fresh, ahh’ but this time the actress who plays the mother will be saying it.

Overall, all our adverts will have aspects of simplicity and humour because we feel that this will make the advert more memorable and will interest out target audience into buying the product. We also want to have parallel sound in all the adverts, which will be the dialogue of the characters, however we also want to introduce contrapuntal sound which will be part of a song that will be played in the background which will make it feel more light hearted. In addition the couple will be the same throughout so that they are immediately recognised. To end all the adverts, as well as form another link between them, we want to include an end screen which will have the mint on the side followed by a voiceover saying the words: ‘all you’ve got to do is shake, click, fresh, ahh’ (where the words will come up as they are being said by the voiceover) and ending it with out line of appeal of ‘get fresh breath fast when you need it’

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Advert 3

For the final advert, there is a significant amount more dialogue between the characters, which has caused worries between myself and Cilia. The reason for this is because when uploading thoe footage onto the mac's, the sounds for each clip merge into one another. If this is the case once uploading the final advert, we would have to search each sound to match each clip. Although this isnt a big problem, we are reaching the final week of our deadline and will need as much time possible to edit. In addition to this, advert three is the only advert which includes a great amount of dialogue throughout, and the narrative of the advert depends on the dialogue for its intended effect of humour. Therefore the two of us hope the dialogue will work the way we want it.