Tuesday, 25 November 2008

first deadline

With only a matter of days untill the first deadline, me and Cilia are well on our way to completing our first advert. The filming is basically finished, with only a couple of re- shoots to be done (mid shot of boy sitting next to girl on the bench, and boy looking happy once he gets to kiss the girl-holding onto the packet of mints).
Once re- shooting is caput, a couple of tweaks within the editing once the final pieces of footage is uploaded will enable us to then put the soundtrack over the top of the advert. Then, we will be able to present the final draft of our advert to you fine young people :)

Monday, 24 November 2008

Tester for Jingle

Here is the first sequence hat we did for our jingle of 'shake, click, fresh, ahh'. We did this just to see what it could possible look like and here it is:

Normally, in the final shot we would use a fan to create a 'wind' effect rather than the hands. Our aim was to find out roughly how long this part of the advert was going to be so that we know the remaining time left for other footage. We thought this was a good idea to test because we are using this in all three of our adverts as our 'jingle.' When we were filming this, we tried out different ways of 'shaking and clicking' the packet to see which was more effective. We found that the above (video) ways of holding the mint were the best because if there was logo or text then you can see it, meaning that audience knows what we are advertising. However, when filming the jingle within the actual advert we experimented with different angles in order to meet the codes and conventions of an advert by having a variety of close ups, which differs to the one above which are shots all from the same angle. It is important to consider that because we are making the advert, we will not be in any of our adverts and that in one of the three adverts, a boy will be doing the jingle, so we have to consider ways of showing the effects of the mint other than through the hair.

Monday, 17 November 2008


Just an update on myself and Cilia's filming and editing for advert two.

Shoot's 2 and 3:

Since mine and Cilia's uneffective yet useful shoot 1, we have been out a couple more times and found ourselves in a much better position to film. From learning that in our original footage there was way too little POV shots, we made it our biggest aim to shoot them in the next few dates of our shooting schedule, which we have done.

I feel shoot's 2 and 3 were effective and we have gained a great amount of useful shots. However, while filming there were a number of limitations, and once uploading the footage onto the mac's these problems became apparent. For example, the weather! during shoot 2 it was extremely sunny which made it hard to film seeing as the sun was in the actors eyes which made them squint, and during shoot 3 the weather was very dull. The contrast in weather conditions became more apparent while uploading the footage as some shots were really bright and others were dark. This was really annoying because as the advert is starting to come together, the difference in light is noticeable which is limiting our shots. We tried to overcome this problem by using an umbrella, yet the end result was even worse as we could see the shadows in the footage! The weather was also really windy (aswell as being overly sunny!) which meant the non- diegetic sound we wanted in the shots were ruined, and made the camera/ tripod become unsteady. In addition to this, these problems made our aim for creating verisimilitude alot more difficult. This is the reason for us having extra long shots as we thought it would be better for us to cut them, rather than having an unsteady short clip which is completely useless.
In order to overcome these problems, we feel by having the soundtrack (song) over the advert, the sound will be more discrete. Also, in the future if I feel that the weather conditions will cause a vast difference in the advert, we will film parts of another advert. From these problems I have learnt that there is always another way you can spend your time rather than wasteing it, like going into the macroom to edit or getting a headstart in filming our other two adverts! However, even though we had faced a couple of problems I feel confident that ad 2 is where it needs to be filming wise, even though a number of re- shoots are necessary. Me and Cilia have spent the past few weeks in the macroom and first location (common) of our advert and this will be the case for ongoing weeks.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


Myself and Cilia mangaged to get out and start filming advert 2 yesterday in our free periods and today at lunch up untill the end of the day. We also filmed some test shots in order to create a sequence of our jungle 'shake, click, fresh, ahh!', I will post this sequence soon. However, once we uploaded yesterdays footage (not the sequence) onto the mac it came to our attention that the footage we had shot wasnt as helpful as we thought. This is because there wasnt enough POV, CU and ECU shots, which fit into the advertising code and conventions.
Our solution to this problem was to re-shoot the advert making sure to include more close-ups and POV's, which is what we did today. I feel the footage is already alot more effective as audiences will see the characters point of view, rather than watching them from a distance.
However, once we got into the macroom to upload the footage, the tapes chose to be difficult and not come out of the camera!! and then once we managed to figure that out and plug the camera into the mac, the footage wouldnt upload! Sooo, we havent yet uploaded the footage as we will need some help from mr michie/ford... but I feel we have moved on further in the production process. Hopefully we'll have more lucky next time :)

Monday, 3 November 2008

Shooting Schedule

The days which we are most free are Tuesdays and Fridays therefore the majority of our filming and re-shooting will be on those two day because it gives us lots of time to film which is an advantage for us. The editing will mainly take place on the other days where we have frees where we can focus more on the editing. We have done a shooting schedule, which we will update every week, because it is important for us to plan our time in order for us to make the most of our filming time. It also gives us a guideline as to what needs to be done, however it is important to consider that some of it may change in the event of unplanned re-shooting etc. This is our shooting schedule so far:

Shooting Schedule

Date: Tuesday 4th November
Time: Period 2
People present: Cilia, Me
Place: Mac suite/drama studio'sTask: Due to our actors not being available at this time of the day, me and Cilia have decided make 'test shots' of our jingle of 'fresh, click, fresh, ahh.' This will help us to become familiar with the sequence, timings & voiceover and will help us to decide what works, and what doesn't which is important for us because this sequence is in all three of our ad's.
Props: Decorated mint packet

Date: Tuesday 4th November
Time: Period 3, break & period 4
People present: Cilia, Lucy, Ben & me
Place: Chalfont Common, by park bench
Task: Filming advert 2, couple on a bench, and aim to film shots 1-8 which consists mainly of ECU & CU. We will need a camera, tri-pod, the two actors, a bench, the scripts and costumes (see costume post)

Date: Wednesday 5th November
Time: Period 2 and 3
People present: Cilia and me
Place: Mac Suite
Task: Uploading footage done so far and putting some shots together into a sequence

Temporary date (need to check that the actors are still free)
Date: Friday 7th November
Time: Period 3
People present: Cilia, Ben, Me
Place: Chalfont Common
Task: Filming shots with the male actor in it